Sermon Archive

Here you will find sermons delivered by Pastor Tim and others in the worship services.  

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"Working With God"

Jan Sattem

August 30, 2020

Since the grave couldn't hold Christ, it cannot hold us either. Since our adversary couldn't prevent Christ's exaltation, neither can he prevent the true believer from gaining his/her eternal inheritance.

Join us for a message from Dr. Sattem about "Working With God".


"Know the Greatness of His Power"

Jan Sattem

August 23, 2020

How great is God's power? Paul prayed, and we as believers are to pray, for a Divine awareness of the power we already possess in Christ.

Join us as Dr. Sattem expands on this passage from Ephesians.


"Keeping a Biblical Perspective"

Jan Sattem

August 16, 2020

How we view the "Inheritance of God" dictates how we live.

Join Pastor Sattem for biblical perspective as he preaches from Ephesians.


"Gaining Hope"

Jan Sattem

August 9, 2020

The hope of our calling is grounded in God's promises and Christ's accomplishments. That hope is characterized in the believer by confident expectation and patient waiting for the promises to be fulfilled.

Join us for another message from Ephesians.


"Gaining True Spiritual Enlightenment"

Jan Sattem

August 2, 2020

We are told in Ephesians 1: 18 that enlightenment is a desirable thing. In today's message, Dr. Sattem talks about how to attain the 'True Enlightenment' that Paul was writing about. Join us!


"Knowing the Vastness of Your Wealth"

Jan Sattem

July 26, 2020

The right approach to learning prepares one to receive the knowledge imparted by God through His Word, which equips the believer to integrate and implement that information into every aspect of one's daily life.

Join us for another look into Ephesians as we discover the vastness of our wealth in Christ.


"A Pattern For Prayer"

Jan Sattem

July 19, 2020

Ephesians 1:15-16 15 For this reason, because I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love[a] toward all the saints, 16 I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers,


"Reflecting God's Ownership"

Jan Sattem

July 12, 2020

We rejoice in God's Assurance, now let's learn how to reflect God's ownership. Join us for this message from Ephesians 1: 13, 14.


"Rejoicing In Assurance"

Jan Sattem

July 5, 2020

Today in Ephesians, we study how we as believers have assurance through the Holy Spirit, why we can rejoice in Him.


"What Is Truth"

Jan Sattem

June 28, 2020

Does your lifestyle match what you say you believe? Today we learn about truth and its characteristics. Join us.


Embrace the Gospel